Contract notes
A contract note is a receipt for a trade. Whenever you make a trade, you will receive a contract note.
Each contract note documents the details of your transaction. For example: the number of shares you have bought or sold, the price, date of purchase, date of settlement, stamp duty (if applicable), consideration, commission and any FX rates etc.
Contract notes are available within 24 hours of the trade being placed.
View your contract notes
You can view your contract notes online.
- Select Account > Document history from your account menu.
- You can use the orange dropdown menu to switch between your accounts.
- Select contract notes from the Document Type menu. You can also search by other criteria - including trade type and date.
- Scroll down for a list of your contract notes. Click to View or Download each document.
We will send you an email notification for the following types of trades:
- Limit, Stop-Loss and Fill or Kill trades
- Regular investment trades
- Dividend reinvestment
- Amended trades
How to request paper copies of contract notes
You can request a paper copy of individual contract notes via secure message. Please note that this costs £3 + VAT.
If your preferences are set to ‘Post’, we will send you paper copies of contract notes by post. Please note that there is a charge of £1 + VAT per contact note sent.
You can change your preferences for receiving contract notes by calling us.