You cannot transfer an ISA to another person. This is because the tax benefits of ISA accounts are for individuals and cannot be transferred or shared.
If you want to move money from an ISA to another person, you will need to sell the investments, withdraw the money and then give that money to the other person. They can add that money to their ISA if it is less than their remaining ISA allowance for that year.
Read more ISA transfer rules.
ISA inheritance rules
Your ISA can only be transferred to another person after your death. If you die, your spouse or civil partner can use an increased one-off allowance called an Additional Permitted Subscription (APS) to inherit your ISA.
If your spouse or civil partner is not the beneficiary of your ISA, it will become part of your estate and could be subject to inheritance tax. The first £325,000 of your estate is tax-free. Anything above that threshold is taxed at 40%.
Learn more about our Stocks and Shares ISA
Learn how to make the most of your Stocks and Shares ISA with our useful guides.