Interactive Investor

Recommend ii and get £200

Get £200 when you refer a friend to ii. Your friend will get a year with ii fee-free. It's a win-win.

Terms apply

Recommend ii

Here's what's on offer

  • Get £200 when you refer a friend to ii and they fund their account with at least £5,000.
  • Your cash reward will be credited to your ii Trading Account. Don't worry if you don't have one; you can open one when you log in.
  • Once your friend has signed up and funded their account, they'll get a whole year with ii fee-free.
Recommend ii Offer Detail

1. Log in and share link

Your friend visits the link and follows the steps.

2. They fund

Wait for them to open and fund their account.

3. Earn rewards

We'll send your reward within 30 days.