Interactive Investor

IN BRIEF: Datadog launches Data Jobs Monitoring tool

21st June 2024 20:04

from Alliance News

Datadog Inc - New York City-based monitoring platform for cloud services - Launches Data Jobs Monitoring to help development teams detect Spark and Databricks jobs, remediate failed jobs more quickly and optimize compute resources.

Datadog Vice President Michael Whetten says: "When data pipelines fail, data quality is impacted, which can hurt stakeholder trust and slow down decision making. Long-running jobs can lead to spikes in cost, making it critical for teams to understand how to provision the optimal resources.

"Data Jobs Monitoring helps teams do just that by giving data platform engineers full visibility into their largest, most expensive jobs to help them improve data quality, optimize their pipelines and prioritize cost savings."

Current share price: USD116.36, up 0.2% in New York Monday afternoon

12-month change: up 27%

By Aidan Lane, Alliance News reporter

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